Zavala Galleria
Before moving forward with the application its important that you meet certain requirements in ordered to be considered.
Zavala Galleria is a private studio which will only host Artist who have an established clientele.
Resident Artist will be charged a monthly booth Rent to tattoo at Zavala Galleria. the rent may vary depending on the schedule you wish to work and your financials. Rent booth includes station, sanitary supplies, personal locker, access to the studio 24hrs after the prohibition period.
Full time Artist will have access to the studio 24hrs 7 days a week. where as part time artist will only have access to the studio during business hours.
Ideally im seeking 3 full time Artist, no apprentices.
Once you have submitted your application i will look it over and reach out to you if found to be a suitable candidate and schedule an interview to meet and discuss more about working at Zavala Galleria